Figometer Annual Tally Report

39. I painted 39 miniatures to completion over the last year since Figometer records began (May to May). I'll admit that there are around another 20 at various stages from just 'flesh undercoat' to near completion. As you can see, there was a massive dip over Nov-Dec 07 where nothing got painted. This was due to lots of Wedding and Honeymoon activity. It seems that over the year there were great spurts of painting followed by quieter periods, and no real 'average'.
Now that I see the total, it seems a bit like a small number in return for many many hours work. But hey, this is my hobby and who really cares how many and how long, I enjoy it and i'll just keep going. The target for the year was 48, and when I put it like that, 39 looks ok.
I'm determined to paint more this year. Gotta get them all done before my eyesight fails! But at this rate, i'll be dead long before the lead mountain has been excavated.