A virtual modellers loft, to store and pick over my bits and pieces. A few pages to place all the crumbs and tidbits from my major leisurely pursuit: Painting miniatures
Hi, I'm really impressed by your painting. I just have a question regarding your paints. Are you using the Foundry flesh palette on top of Vallejo red leather or the Citadel dwarf/elf flesh combination.
Hi Ian, thanks for your kind comments. I always use the Vallejo Red Leather base, then as mentioned by yourself, Citadel Dwarf flesh, followed by Elf flesh. I add white or a suitable off white to the mix for highlights on noses and cheekbones. I often add some dark red to the mix for the slight rose cheek thing I like to paint on.
I do use the original Foundry flesh sometimes, though it can look a little flat to me.
Best wishes
I'm really impressed by your painting.
I just have a question regarding your paints. Are you using the Foundry flesh palette on top of Vallejo red leather or the Citadel dwarf/elf flesh combination.
I do use the original Foundry flesh sometimes, though it can look a little flat to me.
Hope this helps you out.