Dutch Belgian OOB

I keep swinging from project to project, chipping away, and now it seems it's their turn again. This is the only way I can keep focussed, it flies in the face of the way most people paint up their forces. It seems the most common way is to paint a unit at a time. Well, at the moment i'm painting about 10 battalions from all eras! At the moment, i'm still painting the 8th Dutch Militia (that I started in June '07!).
Update: Clock watching at work. It's 20 minutes to go until the Easter break begins for me and i'm dreaming of sneaking in some mini painting. If I survive a night out with pregnant wifey and friends tonight... and once i've cleaned the oven with Mr MuscleTM and made a hole outside the house bigger (dont ask) tomorrow, I may, just may be able to paint the 8th Militia for a couple of hours.
thank God I now only do the two scales...
Could I use that to build my armies.
Best Regards and thanks in advance.
Quite a job but it helps me visualise what my units will contain and look like.