Battle of ...

My parents are visiting and as their clear out of all my old junk from their house progresses,  my dad has dug out and brought an old oil I painted when I was a foundation art student way back in 1993. Its been a long time since I saw this 'early' work and it's a nice feeling looking over something distantly familiar with new eyes again. I think I was trying to depict some action at the battle of Bussaco, where the thin red line was strung out giving the French some lead, I can't remember the regiment I tried to paint in it (it's supposed to be the 88th Regt of foot).

I can see I was experimenting with oils at the time and I see I struggled with the depth and had a hang up about creases in cloth at the time. I was also trying to get my head around lighting and reflection (especially on skin). I think I have progressed as an artist from back then (though my paintings are few and far between now) but still I was pleasantly surprised to see this old work. Some bits are just plain odd, but as a whole its a part of my past and I kind of like it. Thought i'd post it here for your amusement.

I have been painting mini's this last week, and have almost three finished. The old trickle of figures continues. I will post the results very soon.


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