Figometer Update (December 2008)

Happy New Year! Back to work today (grr) but I had a 12 day break over the Christmas period and it felt like a longish holiday, though it was pretty cold throughout. Spent Christmas up with the wifes family in Scotland and then had my parents down with us in London for New Year.

I completed 3 figures in December. The new year is looking good as I got some painting in this past weekend and am well on the way to finishing several minis for January. Finally got to open my only miniature related pressie, the Perry's French Line Infantry, and have to say i'm very impressed. Wonder if i'll get time to paint them this year!? The whole package looks great and the detailing looks fantastic.

Hope to start the new diorama project sometime soon and have acquired some of the minis for it, just need some lancers now.


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