Fred Funcken 1921 - 2013

I have not posted for a while again, due to painting fits and starts. But I thought it appropriate to comment on the recent passing of Fred Funcken. When I was growing up I found the uniform books that he produced and illustrated with his wife Liliane fascinating, and it was the information inside these books that contributed so much to me getting hooked on the colourful details of the Napoleonic period.

It was only recently that I bought up a beautifully preserved German copy of the Funckens' Historiche Uniformen 19.Jahrhundert. With the advances that have been made in indentifying uniforms since the 60's and 70's, these books may or may not now be seen to be totally accurate, but they are beautiful books in their own right and a fine contribution to any collection of military reference material.

Sad to lose someone who contributed so much to the wargaming and military history world. Rest in peace Fred.


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